Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ISTAC tour

Saya mahu berkongsi beberapa keping foto yang saya rakamkan sepanjang saya menghadiri conference di ISTAC. Saya begitu kagum dengan rekabentuk bangunan dan the idea to design to be as ISTAC have it now. Saya bersama Melissa melakukan rondaan memandangkan semua dewan conference FULL.

Melissa wants "garden concept" for her wedding. She really falling in love when she saw this place because it is so nice. There is a fountain there and there are so many palms tree and you feel that you are not in Malaysia.
After that, we were heading to cafe ISTAC sebab Melissa is too hungry. Jangan terkejut sebab saya sendiri terkejut apabila melihatnya.  Saya sukakan interior design for the whole ISTAC. Klasik.

This is the main library ISTAC. Melissa teringin nak masuk. Finally. we reached there. Kami sempat online dan Melissa pun sempat siapkan kerja beliau. 

Foto diambil dari tingkat atas. Klasik.
Bahan bacaan tersusu rapi
Leisure reading place
This is Melissa and credit for her.

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